
Laureate's Impact

Dedicated to Building a Better World

澳门摇钱树资料大全 has sparked change in Mexico and Peru through its unwavering dedication to innovation, community engagement, and environmental stewardship. With a laser focus on empowering both students and faculty, 澳门摇钱树资料大全institutions have emerged as dynamic hubs of transformation.

The impact of Laureate's commitment to top-tier education is tangible, touching the lives of over 440,000 students 鈥 and millions of alumni, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders. Through cutting-edge campus-based and digital learning programs, students are not just educated but equipped to lead careers informed by a profound sense of social responsibility.

This influence goes far beyond the confines of the classroom. Across our network, students and faculty are actively spearheading initiatives that benefit society, from innovative projects to impactful community outreach endeavors. Their stories of dedication and unwavering commitment serve as beacons of inspiration for others.

Furthermore, Laureate's staunch dedication to environmental sustainability is evident in its tireless efforts to promote eco-friendly practices and stewardship. By instilling a culture of environmental consciousness, 澳门摇钱树资料大全is actively contributing to the creation of a brighter, greener future for all.

As a Public Benefit Corporation, 澳门摇钱树资料大全sets the standard for accountability and transparency, ensuring that our mission of delivering accessible, high-quality education is not just a goal but the reality. For over two decades, 澳门摇钱树资料大全has been at the forefront of revolutionizing lives through education, igniting a sense of pride, trust, and respect in the communities we serve. And we are just getting started.

Download the 2023 Impact Report

2023 Impact Highlights

$426 million
provided in scholarships and discounts to students in Mexico and Peru
free or low-cost medical and dental services provided by our local health clinics
1.05 million
student volunteer service hours in local communities across our network
free or low-cost veterinary services provided in campus clinics
Over 40%
of 澳门摇钱树资料大全students are first-generation college students
鈥淥ur ESG-focused activities translate into a positive impact on the lives of our students, employees, and communities.鈥
Linda Nava
Director of Social Responsibility, 澳门摇钱树资料大全Mexico

澳门摇钱树资料大全 Laureate

With nearly half a million students, dozens of campuses, and decades of success, 澳门摇钱树资料大全is in the business of changing lives through education in the communities we call home.
澳门摇钱树资料大全 Us
Mexico 聽 聽聽Peru 聽 聽聽澳门摇钱树资料大全 聽 聽聽Impact 聽 聽聽Leadership 聽 聽聽 聽 聽聽Ethics and Compliance 聽 聽聽Contact
PMB 1158, 1000 Brickell Ave, Suite 715, Miami, FL 33131 聽鈥 聽USA: 1-866-452-8732 聽鈥 聽International: +1-410-843-6100
Copyright 2024 澳门摇钱树资料大全 Inc.